What are people saying about

360 discipleship ministries?

  • "these days, it’s difficult to remind myself of who i TRULY am and how i’m seen. 360 helps me to finally believe in what what my father in christ thinks of me. "

    — DORKY

  • "The Lord ask that we go into the world to preach the gospel and make disciples. The key component to discipleship is coming into an understanding of who God is and what he says about us; thus entering into our true identity in Christ."

    — Brandi

  • “360 Discipleship Ministries is a great way to remind ourselves of who we are in Christ Jesus."

    — Christy

  • I find pulling tabs an amazing tool to study the Bible. You learn new verses if you pull a tab a day. Pull your tab which will relate to you in some way or another and you’ll say oh I do remember that - Oh that is amazing & of course my all time God I needed to read that today and gives you peace of mind after a busy day. I highly recommend this product because it’s at your own pace and you get to learn a verse which you personally pulled you may be encouraged to read more about your pull tab as there is always a beginning story and an ending story related to your pulled tab. Just gives you peace as you read your pulled tab. Stay blessed


  • What a blessing the Children’s Truth Tab is. I gave a golden identity box to my 6-year-old great-grandson for Easter. His mom pulled a couple out for him to read with her assistance. Of course, the 1st thing he noticed was his name on the tab. This seemed to peak his interest and after reading the 1st tab wanted to read more. When they were leaving the only thing he grabbed was the truth tab box leaving all his other belongings behind. I thank you Father that he will grow to know his identity in Christ. Thank you Christy for your obedience.

    -Ms. Gloria