Shattered glass

I know you’ve been here too……

Your’e in the kitchen, you drop a glass, plate or something that just shattered into millions of tiny pieces. You gingerly walk around the mess…..get the broom, sweep up all you can and then wear shoes for the next few days just in case you missed some.

Weeks pass by and you forget the shattered glass incident.

All of a sudden you're reminded….a tiny sliver of glass slips into the bottom of your foot.

DANG NABBIT…..Yup, I didn’t get all the pieces.

Past sin can creep up on us like that sliver of glass at the bottom of your foot and the enemy would absolutely LOVE to beat you upside the head to remind you of all the wrongs you’ve done.

I’m here to remind you that when you confess your sin to the ONLY one that can forgive you, God doesn’t leave any remnants behind.

He has already made the way for you to CONFESS your sin directly to Him, listen to the Holy Spirit of anything He may need you to do and keep moving forward……..even with bare feet.

1 John 1:9

If we confess our sings, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sings and purify us from all unrighteousness.


LONELY - Webster’s definition:  being without company