LONELY - Webster’s definition:  being without company

WOW….that sounds really harsh especially during the holiday season.

However, if you know the story of the angel coming to Joseph in a dream (Matthew 2:20), then the definition of lonely will take on a new perspective of how you can see things.

You see, that angel told Joseph to take Mary as his wife (even though she was pregnant) and then the angel proceeded to tell him that she will have a son and he was to name him IMMANUEL, meaning God with us.


God’s plans from the past still apply to the future today.

In church or on the radio, I’m sure you have heard the song EMMANEUL and it can literally bring tears to your eyes because in the depths of your being tells you that you are truly NEVER alone.

God created you, and he knew that we would need to be reminded that we are not alone EVER in life.

We may “feel” alone and we can even understand loneliness, but God made a way….His son IMMANUEL…….GOD WITH US.

So if you are entertaining the idea that you are alone, or lonely……just communicate with our heavenly Father and tell him how you’re feeling about it.

Our Father will never turn a deaf ear to his children and He will always bring you back to HIS TRUTH that HE is with you.

who needs a prayer?


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