who needs a prayer?

Heavenly Father, I want to THANK YOU for this day that you have created.

THANK YOU that you had me in mind when this day started & that you have plans for you and I today.

Lord, I want to lift up ______________________ to you today and THANK YOU for having her/him in my life. Lord, I THANK YOU that you have guarded him/her with YOUR PEACE in your heart & mind as she/he lives in Christ Jesus with you.

I THANK YOU that she/he has received the crown of life as she/he is loving you, her/his Heavenly Father.

Lord, your plans are always good for _________________ & no plans of the enemy will ever be greater than your plans.

Lord, THANK YOU for your protection over _________________ & for always having her/his best interest in the forefront of your mind.

Lord, THANK YOU that I get to intercede on _________________ behalf and that you ALWAYS hear my prayers.

In JESUS mighty UNBEATABLE name I pray.



LONELY - Webster’s definition:  being without company